вторник, 25 октября 2016 г.

New study shows why you think LaCroix quenches your thirst more than tap water



If you've tried time and time again to quit your seltzer habit, you might as well give up the ghost. 

It's not your fault that you're obsessed with it. You probably think it actually quenches thirst better, according to an industry-backed study published in Science Daily.

The study, funded by Japanese drink giant Suntory, took place at the nonprofit Monell Chemical Senses Center. The center says it is, "dedicated to interdisciplinary basic research on the senses of taste and smell."

The relatively small study (98 people between the ages of 20 and 50 participated), had participants fast overnight, then rate their thirst after a breakfast of jelly and white toast.  Read more...

More about Drink, Food, Seltzer, Lacroix, and Watercooler

via Mashable


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