вторник, 25 октября 2016 г.

You'll soon be able to take online journalism courses on Facebook



The days of using Facebook to procrastinate could soon be behind you.

In a blog post on Tuesday morning, Aine Kerr, Manager of Journalism Partnerships for Facebook announced that the social network is launching a series of online training courses for journalists.

What will the courses focus on? Well, as Facebook continues to make inroads in the media industry, the company is offering users a crash course in how to perfect their social media skills to survive online journalism in 2016. 

While the courses may seem completely unnecessary to many millennial users who live and breathe Facebook, if you're wondering how to achieve that beautiful, blue verification check mark on your account or looking to ensure no one from work sees those embarrassing pictures from your weekend in Vegas, you might consider giving them a try. Read more...

More about Business, Social Meda, Education, Online, and Facebook

via Mashable


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